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Cappadocia from Kemer 3 days

Cappadocia from Kemer 3 days

Cappadocia for three days from Kemer - you get not only a lot of interesting information, but also see with your own eyes the centuries-old creations of nature and people. Do not forget to take a photo and a video camera. The taken pictures will allow you to come back in memory

Cappadocia from Kemer 3 days price

 Adult 126 £
 Children (4-8) 63 £
 Infants (0-3) free

Land of beautiful horses,Churches,Mevlana Museum,City of Saratli Kırkgöz,Göreme,Free transfer,Balloon fligh

Cappadocia from Kemer 3 days important things

Tour days Friday, Sunday
Tour hours 04:00 - 19:00
Includes transfer, insurance, guide, hotel accommodation (breakfast and dinner)
Excludes Goreme museum, lunches, Turkish night, hot air balloon flight (optional), entrance fees
Recommended Comfortable shoes, breakfast bag, warm clothes

Cappadocia from Kemer 3 days program

  • Gathering of guests from Kemer hotels on comfortable air-conditioned buses

  • Start of the excursion

  • Stop for breakfast (lunch box from the hotel)

  • Tour to the underground city of Saratly - relatively recently discovered by archaeologists

  • The village of Chavushin, famous for its ancient churches

  • Excursion in the valley “Three beauties” (Hera, Aphrodite and Athens)

  • Excursion to the Goreme National Museum - a small open-air town-museum, which has collected most of the natural and man-made works of local craftsmen

  • Check in at a 4 * hotel

  • Dinner from national dishes

    Second day

  • A trip to the Ball Parade (optional) - a place from where you can take unforgettable pictures Hot air balloon flight (1 hour, optional)

  • Visit to onyx factory and souvenir shop

  • Visit to the Ihlara Valley - a canyon of volcanic origin

  • Excursion through the valleys - Rose and Pashabag (Valley of the Monks), famous for the Church of St. Simeon

  • Walk along the Valley of the Kyzylirmak River - the longest river in Turkey

  • Avanos City Tour - Pottery and Carpet Weaving Center

    The third day

  • A trip to the Hot air balloon Parade

  • Return to the hotel - breakfast and check-out

  • Tour of the pottery workshop

  • Pigeon Valley Tour - one of the most beautiful places in Cappadocia

  • Excursion around the Caravan Saray - a place where caravans have stopped for a long time during their transitions

  • Stop for lunch at a restaurant

  • Return transfer to Kemer by comfortable air-conditioned buses

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Cappadocia from Kemer 3 days specification


Cappadocia for three days from Kemer is a great opportunity to visit a unique corner of this beautiful country with many faces. Book a tour at a relatively low cost. The distance from Kemer to Cappadocia is 592 km (about 8 hours). Moving on a comfortable bus and a good guide will make the road interesting and not tiring. In Turkey, there are a huge number of places that deserve the attention of tourists.

For those who have little time at the Mediterranean coast, they can choose a more compact tour to Cappadocia from Kemer for two days, by English historians guide also.

Cappadocia (or Katpatuk) literally means "Land of beautiful horses." This is actually a magical, unusual place created by nature itself. The region is located in the heart of Anatolia. This land originated many millions of years ago, as a result of a collision of titanic plates of volcanic eruptions. Under the influence of precipitation and winds formed the miracle that we can see in our days. Underground cities, churches carved into the rocks, murals on the walls - all this is an amazing player. Of course, the unusually majestic peaks in our day are half destroyed. But from this, the magic of this region does not disappear.

The program of the tour Cappadocia for three days from Kemer is a rich program:

1st day This is a trip to the charming land. Arrival in the Tauride Mountains, breakfast, including delicious local cuisine, a visit to the Mevlana Museum in Konia (the Hermitage of the Dervishes). Next, you will have lunch, a stop in Karavan-Saray, a walk through the underground city of Saratli Kırkgöz. In the evening, arrival and check-in at the hotel.

2nd day You will have the opportunity to thoroughly explore this region from the inside. You will be able to visit the Devrent valley, the Göreme valley, and the very cave city of Göreme. You will also visit the valley Kavuzin. In the evening, the guests will have an excellent opportunity to enjoy shows in the style of the Turkish night, in particular the show of dervishes. Those interested will be able to fly in a balloon.

3rd day. Return to Kemer, during which you will have the opportunity to see the Kyzyrlymak river, visit the pottery workshop and see other sights, explore the surroundings.

The cost of excursion Cappadocia for three days from Kemer for three days includes:

Free transfer, insurance, escort of the English-speaking guide, entrance tickets to each city, breakfasts, and dinners, hotel accommodation.

Additionally, Cappadocia for three days from Kemer are paid for three days: lunches, drinks, balloon flight.

Fact: at first glance it seems that the earth in cappadia is not prolific, but it is not. Sugar cane, apricot trees and many other plants grow on the site.

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Cappadocia from Kemer 3 days Frequently Asked Questions

  • It takes a long time to travel from Kemer to Cappadocia, namely a little over eight hours, because the distance is more than 600 kilometers. Its tourist group overcomes with several stops in the most picturesque places of the route
  • The most optimal time for an excursion to Cappadocia from Kemer for 3 days is May and September, it is during these months that sunny days do not leave this region, and the thermometer ranges from 18 ° C to 25 C, which creates the most comfortable weather for walking.
  • First of all, most tourists come to the observation deck of the ancient city of Urgup, from where a stunning view of the entire region opens up. Here you can see the magnificent "fairy chimneys" or order a tour to the natural Valley of Monks and Love, where nature has formed various mountain ranges for thousands of years. Another must-see on the trip, in which it is necessary to book tickets for the whole family, is the Goreme Museum, where countless ancient monastic ruins are collected in the open air. It is in this amazing example of a picturesque area that the Apple Church has survived to this day, which has been pleasing the eyes of tourists for many centuries. It is also necessary to go to the beautiful observation deck in the Goreme Valley, after which you will see the magical Soganli Valley, where the most ancient temples and churches on the peaks have survived to this day. You can also make a pilgrimage to the village of Mustafapasha, which previously belonged to the Greeks and was the center of fishing in the area. It was here that the legendary monks of the dervishes once lived, who communicated with higher powers through their mystical dance with rotations in one direction. In addition, there will be time to get acquainted with the most ancient underground cities - Kaymakli or Derinkuyu. These are huge villages, designed for tens of thousands of people, in which there was everything for a comfortable life of an ancient man. It is also recommended to visit the Uchihsar Fortress, which is located right on top of a massive mountain.
  • In Cappadocia from Kemer, tourist flights on massive balloons are especially popular, in the cockpit of which up to 20 people can be accommodated at once. The cost of such a flight will average from € 100. The cost may vary depending on the season and the popularity of this entertainment.
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