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Goynuk Canyon Independently

Goynuk Canyon is a place for tourists willing to spend a few hours to be alone with nature! How to get to the canyon Goynuk yourself.

Goynuk Canyon Independently
22 May 2021

Goynuk Canyon is a place for tourists willing to spend a few hours to be alone with nature! How to get to the canyon Goynuk yourself.

The canyon is 9 km from the town of the same name. The name itself translates as fertile land, and all because there are whole gardens of orange and pomegranate trees. There are several options for getting there yourself:

  • Option 1 - rent a car/bike and get there. Of course, provided that you have the right and experience of driving for at least 3 years, as well as good form and health, because cycling is not easy.
  • Option 2 - you can get on the dolmus. In Kemer you need to sit in dolmus at the bus stop, which is located on the main street of Ataturk at the white clock with fountains. There should be a Sign of Goynuk-Antalya on the bus. If you do not know the language, you need to go on the bus to ask Goynuk Canyon and if the driver nods to you, then you are moving in the right direction. The bus will take you only to the turn, and then you need to walk 4 km, everywhere there will be signs, so it is almost impossible to get lost.
  • Option 3 to get to Goynuk Canyon on your own - you can get into the canyon as part of the Goynuk Canyon tour from Kemer. And this is the most convenient option for many guests. Firstly you will not get lost, secondly you will always be under the supervision of the attendant, in the third convenient way back.