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Hamam in Kemer

Hamam in Kemer

Hamam Kemer is an unforgettable pleasure for body and soul. Turkish bath in Kemer is known for its traditions and high-quality service. After visiting the steam room, be sure to try a oil massage in Kemer, which will give you relaxation and recuperation at an affordable price. The best Spa in Kemer offers a variety of treatments, including foam massage, kese peeling, sauna, soap massage, salt cave and other traditional Turkish rituals. Hamam in Turkey is not just a sauna, it is a whole culture of purification. We also provide a comfortable free transfer from hotels located in Goynuk, Chamyuva, Kirish, Beldibi and Tekirova. Hamam in Kemer awaits its guests daily!

Hamam in Kemer price list

Age Range tour Price
 1 Adult 15
 1 Children (7-12) 7
 1 Infants (0-6) 0

Hamam Kemer,Turkish bath in Kemer

Hamam in Kemer What you have to know

Tour days every day
Tour hours 10:00 — 19:00
Includes transfer, insurance, towels, hot drinks (tea, coffee), procedures in program
Excludes additional services
Recommended swimwear

Hamam in Kemer Tour schedule

  • hamam Kemer start to transfer from hotels

  • arrival at the Turkish bath, time to change clothes

  • heating of the body in a sauna with a comfortable air temperature

  • breathable menthol room (optional)

  • gentle body peeling using the kese glove which made of natural fibers

  • body foam massage with natural soap

  • relaxing body massage with organic essential oils

  • rejuvenating face mask with natural healing clay

  • time to relax with drinks

  • return to hotels in the region

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Hamam in Kemer specification


Kemer hamam or Turkish bath - is more than three hours of real bliss and complete relaxation of body and soul. A tourist who has not visited this excursion will not be able to fully experience the whole essence of the traditions of this particular country.

Hammam, as a special set of procedures, is rooted in the era of the Turkish Sultans. We invite you to visit a real Turkish bath in Kemer, the reviews of which are only the most positive since the staff strictly follow all the nuances of this ritual. We introduce you to the sea fishing in the Kemer tour. Our website provides a complete explanation of sightseeing and prices. 

Nowadays, in these places, as hundreds of years ago, there is a special structure of rooms and places for ablution and relaxation. So, the first thing after booking a tour, tourists are greeted by jamegah – this is a special place for changing clothes, where you can find comfortable lockers and many convenient benches, and it is also here that you are most often allowed to enjoy fruits and drinks. Immediately after there is a soukluk – this is a separate room for drying after bathing, and then there is a sajaklyk itself – this is a large bathing room made in traditional Turkish style, where there are often a lot of beautiful frescoes and columns.

Turkish hamam in Kemer

Tour program of the Kemer hamam will begin with a stay in a warm sauna, which will help warm up the body to a comfortable temperature and prepare the skin for the rest of the procedures. After relaxing in the steam room you will be invited to the menthol steam room, and after it - directly to the Turkish hammam. This room is a spacious warm room with a huge stone of marble, which is always heated to the correct temperature.

Here you will find peeling using a special glove made from silk or lamb wool. Its special surface makes it easy and safe to get rid of the stratum of skin, giving it unearthly smoothness. After cleansing the body, experienced bathhouse attendants (male or female) will cover you with a huge cloud of soap suds, after which guests will receive a relaxing massage. After a pause and a tea break, you will be invited to an aroma massage session lasting 20 minutes. After a full range of procedures, you will feel an incredible surge of vitality and vitality, which is the essence of the Turkish hammam.

What Hamam Kemer tour includes

Free transfer from the hotel and back, use of the sauna (unlimited time), visit of the menthol steam room (unlimited time), relaxing in the jacuzzi or swimming pool (unlimited time), peeling with a special mitt “Kese”, foam massage, massage using aroma oils, Turkish tea.

A visit to the turkish bath in Kemer is not just a body wash process. It is of great importance in Turkish culture and represents a whole philosophy of purification from within, which the locals also call “return to oneself”.

Few people know that chromotherapy is used in the bath. This treatment is by changing the color spectrum, which have a certain effect on the body. Each color has its own meaning. For example, one helps to balance the mental and emotional state of the body as a whole, the other - improves circulation and so on.

Goynuk Hamam

Goynuk Hamam is a historic Turkish bath located in the picturesque town of Goynuk, blending traditional architecture with centuries-old bathing rituals. Nestled among cobblestone streets and ancient buildings, it offers a serene retreat for visitors seeking relaxation and cultural immersion. The hamam features beautifully tiled interiors, steam rooms, and soothing baths, providing an authentic experience of Turkish heritage. A visit to Goynuk Hamam promises not only a refreshing cleanse but also a journey back in time.

Turkish hamam in Beldibi

Turkish hamam in Beldibi offers an authentic experience for travelers seeking relaxation and cultural immersion. Nestled along the picturesque coastline, this traditional bathhouse combines ancient rituals with modern comfort. Visitors can indulge in a soothing steam bath, invigorating massages, and exfoliating treatments. The ambiance, enriched with intricate tile work and aromatic scents, transports you to another era. Afterward, enjoy a refreshing dip in the turquoise waters, completing the rejuvenating journey.

Hamam in Camyuva

Hamam in Camyuva offers a traditional Turkish bath experience, where visitors can immerse themselves in a blend of history and luxury. The marble interiors of the bath are meticulously designed to provide a soothing atmosphere, while the steam rooms offer a perfect environment for relaxation. Visitors can indulge in a variety of services, including body scrubs, massages, and aromatherapy, all aimed at rejuvenating the mind and body. The Hamam experience in Camyuva is not only about relaxation but also a cultural journey through time.

Turkish bath in Kiris

Turkish bath in Kiris offers an extraordinary experience combining tradition and relaxation. Nestled in the picturesque town, the bathhouse embraces the ancient rituals of cleansing and rejuvenation. Visitors can enjoy the serene ambiance, enhanced by aromatic steam and soothing massages. The skilled staff ensure every guest feels pampered and refreshed. A visit here is a journey through history, making it a must-see for travelers seeking tranquility and cultural enrichment in Kirish.

Hamam Tekirova

Hamam Tekirova ist ein ruhiges Reiseziel, das für sein exquisites Spa-Erlebnis bekannt ist. Besucher gönnen sich oft traditionelle türkische Bäder, revitalisierende Massagen und therapeutische Behandlungen. Eingebettet in die malerische Region bietet Tekirova eine perfekte Mischung aus Entspannung und natürlicher Schönheit. Das beruhigende Ambiente, kombiniert mit kompetenten Dienstleistungen, sorgt für eine erholsame Flucht vor dem Alltagsstress. Die Erkundung der lokalen Kultur und der Genuss köstlicher Küche verbessern das Gesamterlebnis und machen es zu einem Muss.

Hamam in Kemer Frequently Asked Questions

  • Turkish bath, known as a hamam, is a traditional form of steam bath deeply embedded in Turkish culture and history. Drawing from ancient Roman and Byzantine bathing practices, a hammam involves a sequence of progressively warmer rooms aimed at cleansing and rejuvenating the body. The ritual begins in a warm room, where the body acclimates to the heat, followed by a hotter steam room that promotes sweating and detoxification. The experience often includes a vigorous scrub with a coarse mitt called a kese, removing dead skin cells, and a soothing soap massage. The process concludes with a refreshing rinse in a cool room. This centuries-old practice not only promotes physical cleanliness and skin health but also offers profound relaxation and a sense of well-being.
  • In a Turkish bath, or hamam experience begins in a warm room where you relax and acclimate to the heat. Next, you move to a hotter room, filled with steam, to open your pores. After sweating, a thorough body scrub with a rough mitt called a "kese" exfoliates dead skin. Following the scrub, you are rinsed with warm water and may receive a gentle soap massage. The process concludes in a cooler room for relaxation, often with tea. The entire ritual not only cleanses the body but also promotes relaxation and rejuvenation, reflecting a rich cultural tradition of communal bathing and wellness.
  • Hamam, originating from Turkish culture, emphasizes humidity and steam for cleansing. It involves a sequence of steam rooms and scrubbing, focusing on relaxation and detoxification. In contrast, a sauna, rooted in Finnish tradition, uses dry heat via rocks and water to create steam. Saunas promote sweating and circulation, often followed by cooling periods. Both offer unique therapeutic benefits, but hamams prioritize socializing and full-body exfoliation, while saunas focus on heat therapy and relaxation in a dry environment.
  • Yes, pregnant women can typically visit hamam, but caution is advised. High temperatures and steam can affect blood pressure and hydration levels, so it's crucial to consult a doctor beforehand. Many baths offer lower temperatures and shorter sessions suitable for expectant mothers' comfort and safety.
  • Massage in a Turkish hamam, or bathhouse, typically lasts between 30 minutes to an hour. The experience begins with a period of relaxation in a warm, steamy room, allowing your muscles to loosen. This is followed by an exfoliating scrub with a coarse mitt, known as a kese, to remove dead skin cells. The actual massage, which involves vigorous and thorough kneading, usually lasts around 20 to 30 minutes. The entire process, including rest periods, can take up to two hours.
  • When visiting a hamam, also known as a Turkish bath, it's important to wear appropriate attire for comfort and respect. Typically, you should wear a swimsuit or bikini if mixed-gender, or a cotton wrap called a "pestemal" provided by the facility in single-gender sections. Before entering, it's customary to remove shoes and any heavy clothing. Lightweight, breathable fabrics are ideal. Additionally, bring a towel for drying off, and some hamams offer disposable underwear if needed. Always check the specific hamam's guidelines before your visit.
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